Provost Primary Care Network
Provost Primary Care Network has more than 15 different programs which are offered, all programming is done in collaboration with multidisciplinary teams and we work closely with Alberta Health and AHS. We have 3 physicians who are enrolled with the PCN and all patients who are involved with the clinic are considered to be a part of the Provost PCN.
In conjunction with the clinics we run we also work closely with other community groups and are involved with both the Community Living and You and the United Neighborhood Connection committees. The PCN hosts booths at the Seniors Fair and the Community Awareness night as well as being involved with the Where’s my Smile- a depression and anxiety support group; and the recently started Living Well with Memory Loss and Dementia support group.
The PCN is also a sponsor of healthy living activities such as the Mother’s Day Run, the Terry Fox Run and any community event which may meet the PCN initiative goals.
The Provost PCN is expanding and developing new clinics and opportunities for patients to learn how to better cope with their chronic diseases with healthy lifestyles and behaviour changes. We are also currently looking into the possibility of starting a supervised exercise program in collaboration with the Alberta Healthy Living Program and AHS.
Numerous education sessions are being offered with the current emphasis being on weight management, but upcoming Heart Wise and Better Choices Better Health sessions will be offered. All education sessions are offered free of charge in conjunction with the Alberta Healthy Living Central Zone Program.